Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Wreck :(

So this happened Saturday..

I was on my way home from a lovely weekend in Nashville..and bam! Rear ended a Ford Focus. I was almost home, too. And when I say almost I mean, at least, three minutes away. Sigh. Was not the best day. Thankfully, Sunday comes directly after Saturday so I was able to be encouraged by some sweet folks in the body of Christ. The Lord was definitely loving on me and I am so incredibly thankful for that! 

It's just an altogether yucky feeling, you guys. Especially when the other driver is being really ridiculous about everything. (I.E. getting an ambulance for their "injuries", calling a tow truck in for their car that still runs perfectly fine..) Ick ick ick. Hated Saturday, but praise God for Sunday. I'm just really pumped that day is over with altogether. And, of course, it doesn't really end there. Gotta get my car fixed, go to court on the 29th (extremely nervous about that..never ever been to court), and deal with the repercussions of this wreck (sky rocketing insurance, driving anxieties, yadda yadda). 

Nevertheless, I have very little to complain about. The Lord has been pouring out his love for me through my sweet Mom and precious family. Ma drove into town yesterday and took me to Target to get some things. Her treat. I swear, I will never know why the Lord blessed me with an angel for a mother. I am so incredibly thankful for her patience and grace. She is truly a woman of virtue and integrity. Crazy in love with her. Thanks, Jesus. Really.
That's about all for now. 


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